Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010


Hai bloggy,dah lama ya gak crita-crita :) I'm at cityloft right now,another saturday blue nite :p...sitting at starbucks wif my sister mb'ata while waiting for my other sister mb'naz karaoke-ing with her friends at KTv...a lil bit sleep at the moment,but can't sleep since its not in my bed :( Pretty tiring bengkel,ke ambasador,ke pasaraya and end up di citywalk..sometimes being a jakarta citizens is quite boring,the entertainment that you have is only mall,mall and there's soooo many malls here,u can see it at every district or corner,either it's a low-mid size mall...or the elegant one,sooo many!myself can't even count it anymore!lebay yaa...=D ha =D ha =D ha =D ha,but heeyy that's so true..ever since I was little,I only can remember that there's only a few of it,if my father wants to buy his kids a new clothes or shoes or anything we only come either to sarinah thamrin,pasar baru,plaza indonesia,grand duta...hey thats it!and when I'm in junior high school,its rising...starts with plaza senayan,mall taman anggrek...and many more to go..crazy huh!! of mall :p aduuuh aku sudah mulai bosan disini,dan mengantuk...dan masuk bloggy u know what,kemarin itu aku sakit looohhh,kayaknya c masuk angin gara2 kebanyakan jalan2...hahahahaha,susyeee d...skalinya eksis malah sakit :p alhasil pas hari senin gak masuk kantor trus hari selasa ampe kamis tumben2an tuh pulang kantor langsung pulang biasanya kelayapan mulu gw-nya,eh baru pas hari jumat-nya pergi sama nuning makan bubur di karet trs bli dvd di ambassador...dan hari ini,sabtu,aku ke ambas lg beli bros utk kebaya kawinan besok...soo maybe u can call me ms.ambassador right now :p hehehhehehe,jayuz bener yah gw.hari ini gw hedonis bener d bloggy,belanja belanji trus...paraaah,sepertinya saya sedang stress...hiks,stress melulu :( mau curhat d,ttg dia yg sudah mengkhianati siang sebelum nntn dvd,gw iseng buka fesbuk dan melihat profile-nya..I see all his wall and photos,I see all the picture between him and his wife...hiks,that's hurting..I am move on,but masih sakit hati gak bisa ngelupain smua pengkhianatan yg uda pernah dia lakukan ke gw...mungkin emang gak baik,ya tapi gimana dooonk...saat ini blum ada pria yg bisa merebut hati dan pikiran gw,smuanya pada kalah sebelum berperang..hiks!yo wes lah sekian dulu curhatankuw kali ini,dikarnakan perutkuw sgt I have to concentrate to my tummy :( buuubyee

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Hai bloggy..hari ini aku mencoba update melalui blackberry kuw...dan ternyata bisa,how happy I am :D Today,I've got a great quote from someone named James Earl Jones, he said that "One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter".I think that's very correct...don't you think so? I,myself have the same problem. There are many things (especially if its related to heart) that I can't express utterly,like now...gloomy feeling,so damn mellow,really wanting to have someone that I can chit-chat with but ended with no one.same old day and the same old story,with the same confusing.kadang gw berfikir,cowok pernah gak siy ngalamin perasaan kayak gini? Dan apa sih yang mereka lakuin kalo lagi gloomy and mellow kayak gini? Pasti mereka cuek ajaa d.waa enak banget ya jadi cowok,pengen banget kayak gitu. Tapi yaa jadi perempuan juga alhamdulillah,banyak banget priviledges which man can't have,that's very special...I'm greatfull for that :)

What do I have for today? Quite hectic,have to reposses several items in my client office,accompany ucil to reposses her customer item.In the morning I almost came late to office,my absent time is 08:00:11 wekekek,crazy!tapi alhamdulillah ga telat siy,my office still can tolerate 11 seconds lateness :p gokil!wekekekkek,trus at 5 o'clock damnly prepare to go home eeeeehhhhh tau'nya hujan ajaah,huiks....paliiing sedih klo ujannya pas disaat puang kantor,akhirnya gw mampirlah ke starmart beli payung,dan pulanglah saya...happy :)

Sepertinya crita gw cukup amburadul hari ini,hahahhahaha...this the effect of my gloomy and moody mood,not good ya..yaa itulah jihan,apa adanya dan ada apanya :p.baiklaah,uda duluu aah..aku mau makan,buubyye :)

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010


20.08 WIB

So this is my first time writing this blog....thanks to koko who made this for me...maaciiiihh yaaaa, finally i have my own blog....sooo happyyy =D
what do i want to say?..well, firstly its a little bit weird having myself writing my own journal in this electronic diary called blog since i usually write my own journal with pen and a notes, but right now i have this and so here i am writing and so prepared sharing all my journey to you bloggy..great! i already give u a name "bloggy" =)

Today, i'm so sleepy but yet my eyes wont compromise, though my body felt so tired. I slept at 2 o'clock in the morning last night, had a wonderful night with nuning (my friend at the office) and aul (nuning's friend,just met him last night). We ate, we talked, we laughed, and its all happen because we want to watch 3 idiots, a bollywood movie...should i say, great movie! and then i woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning, have myself prepared to go with my family, hmm....destination? many! Arrived safely at home at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, then had a sleep for about 20 minutes and after that i cant sleep anymore. So i decided to take a bath, afternoon prayer (ashar), and then watched dvd until 6.30 in the evening.

And now, at 8 o' front of this computer, i'm trying to remember every little thing that happens to me....right from 2008 until now, which totally turns my life. Actually i'm a little bit confuse between telling you the story or not, but the story is something that really meaningful yet painful for me. is it about a boy? yes it is....did he hurt me? yes he is....did i love him? i don't know what love is, but i do care about him...did he break my heart into pieces? yes he absolutely did it....did he cheated on me? definitely!...did he happy right now? probably....well, many more to come...and im kind of an introvert woman, cannot express my feeling precisely to someone. Though i am a moody person, but its still hard for me to let others know what I'm truly feels.

I really want to make you my special friend bloggy, but I'm afraid that having myself too outspoken here would probably gonna make me look so dumb. You will see and you will get to know me real well, and by the time comes you know that underneath it all i have telling you so many....and probably everything with indirect method =p

o yaa...sometimes something better say it in English than bahasa, soo you will see that my notes is sooo 'frustrating' and complicated *as complicated as my mind and myself* should we call it "campur aduk" between english and bahasa coba2 gayaa deeeh ceritanyaa...ok then, uda dulu yaaa....i'll get back to you soon, buubyee ^.^

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Buku Harian (blog)

Halooooo dunia,..ini adalah posting pertamaku,...
aku suka nulis, dan mulai sekarang akua akan coba menulis ditiap halaman di buku harianku ini. Namanya blog Jihan Alia,...

aku sempat bertanya sama OM WIKIPEDIA, katanya buku harian atau Diary adalah catatan kejadian yang kita alami sehari-hari. Kita menulis kejadian yang mengesankan pada hari ini pada buku diary. Fungsi Diary adalah sebagai kenangan masa-masa yang pernah kita alami. Bisa juga sebagai momento/sejarah kehidupan kita. Seiring dengan perubahan zaman yang terlalu cepat sehingga perubahan tersebut membuat individu semakin stress entah dengan kariernya atau keluarganya, Diary atau buku harian pun berubah fungsi dari sekedar menyimpan kenangan menjadi sebuah media untuk mencurahkan perasaan seseorang atas masalah yang dihadapinya. Menurut Alice D. Domar, menulis buku harian adalah sebuah langkah untuk mengungkapkan emosi dan perasaan kita dan membantu kita untuk merawat pikiran kita. Juga dengan berkembangnya teknologi, buku harian sekarang tidak hanya ditulis pada secarik kertas namun juga bisa berupa data di komputer atau notebook bahkan ada yang berupa fasilitas daring untuk menulis buku harian di internet.

Sampai jumpa lagi ya,....